Winning 15 by Fotoclave Gallery
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  2. Winning 15Winning 15
Winning 15
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During the breeding season, the Forster’s Terns are busy diving for fish to feed their young. In this photo the tern with breeding plumage, has just emerged from the water with a fish in its beak. Once the tern hits the water, it catches the fish and emerges in under one second. In order to capture this activity, I went back multiple times when the light, wind and tide conditions were good. I sat on some small rocks that were very near the edge of the water without disturbing their activity.
Added By: AnarDaswani
Added By: DanSchlotter
Last door standing after motel burned down in Tubbs firestorm
Historic Escalator in Macy
Added By: AllyL2Photo
This summer I was delighted at the sight of Eared Grebes and their babies. One parent carries and keeps the babies safe on her/his back while the other parent fishes and feeds the hungry ones. The little ones reach out eagerly from their safe perch under the parent’s wings to get fed by the other parent. Watching the parents work almost non-stop to get fish and feed their babies was such an inspiring, heart-warming experience. I went back multiple times to watch these grebes from a safe distance so as not to interrupt or disturb them during this process.
Added By: AnarDaswani
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